PRO This division is offered when there is prize money for the event. The entry fee is slightly higher (with the extra fee contributing towards the prize money). Any person/team can enter, but the competition will be at the highest skill level. You may win this division and not be required to move to another division in the next year of tournament play.
OPEN This division is comprised of players of the highest skill level. Any person/team can enter, but the competition will be very skilled. You may win this division and not be required to move to another division in the next year of tournament play.
A This division is comprised of players of a high skill level. Any person/team, other than top open and pro players, can enter, but the competition will be skilled. You may win this division and not be required to move to another division in the next year of tournament play.
B This division is comprised, of good players. If you win this division in a National event you must move up to a higher skill level or an age division in the next year of tournament play. You can appeal to the tournament director of the next tourney if you feel you have a valid reason to remain at this level.
C This division is for beginning to more experienced players. If you win this division in a National event you must move up to a higher skill level or an age division in the next year of tournament play. You can appeal to the tournament director of the next tourney if you feel you have a valid reason to remain at this level.
NOVICE This division is for players new to the sport. You may play Novice for one year (it does not matter what your tournament results are).
WOMEN’S OPEN This division is comprised of female players of the highest skill level. Any female/team can enter, but the competition will be very skilled. You may win this division and not be required to move to another division in the next year of tournament play.
WOMEN’S B This division is comprised of good female players. If you win this division in a National event you must move up to a higher skill level or an age division in the next year of tournament play. You can appeal to the tournament director of the next tourney if you feel you have a valid reason to remain at this level.
MIXED OPEN This division is comprised of teams with a female and a male player of the highest skill level. Any team can enter, but the competition will be very skilled. You may win this division and not be required to move to another division in the next year of tournament play.
MIXED B This division is comprised of teams with a female and a male players. If you win this division in a National event you must move up to a higher skill level or an age division in the next year of tournament play. You can appeal to the tournament director of the next tourney if you feel you have a valid reason to remain at this level.
You may stay in age divisions regardless of competition results in any sanctioned tournaments. You must be the required age at the time of the tournament in order to qualify for the division.
35+/70+ COMBINED You must be at least 35 years of age for singles tournaments. For doubles events, the team must have a combined age of at least 70 years.
45+ / 45+ B You must be at least 45 years of age (singles & doubles). 45+ B is also offered with the same age requirements. If there are at least 4 players/teams signed up for both 45+ and 45+ B each will have a division. If either does not have at least 4 players/teams the two divisions will be combined into one division – in that event, the first round losers will roll down in a 45+ B.
55+ / 55+ B You must be at least 55 years of age (singles & doubles). 55+ B is also offered with the same age requirements. If there are at least 4 players/teams signed up for both 55+ and 55+ B each will have a division. If either does not have at least 4 players/teams the two divisions will be combined into one division – in that event, the first round losers will roll down in a 55+ B.
65+ / 65+ B You must be at least 65 years of age (singles & doubles). 65+ B is also offered with the same age requirements. If there are at least 4 players/teams signed up for both 65+ and 65+ B each will have a division. If either does not have at least 4 players/teams the two divisions will be combined into one division – in that event, the first-round losers will roll down in a 65+ B.
VINTAGE(Rotational Doubles) You must be at least 65 years old. In both Singles and Doubles events, you will play at least one game of doubles with all other players switching who your partner with in each game. Final ranking is determined by total points scored.
JUNIORS You must be 18 years old or younger. There is no charge for this division in any NPA sanctioned tournament.
Tournament Director reserves the right to move a player/team (you will be notified of this decision) IF YOU WISH A WAIVER TO ENTER A SKILL LEVEL DIVISION YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY WON, YOU MUST PETITION THE BOARD OF MANAGERS AT LEAST TWO WEEKS BEFORE THE SIGN-UP DEADLINE OF THE TOURNAMENT (www.paddleball.org/ board of manager).